INT. REGINA'S ROOM - FRIDAY NIGHT REGINA angrily walks on a elliptical. MRS. GEORGE enters.
MRS. GEORGE: You still on the elliptical, baby?
REGINA: (duh) No, I'm over there.
MRS. GEORGE: Honey, I know you're not happy with your body right now but remember, real beauty comes from the face.
REGINA: Don't ever talk about my body! Gahhhd!
MRS. GEORGE: Okay -okay! (tries a new tactic) Let me make you a low-cal snack! I have some shrimp I can spray with that butter-flavored Pam-
REGINA: Mommy, I can't have shrimp! I'm on an all carb diet!! Why won't you leave me alaghhne?!?!
MRS. GEORGE: Because Cady's having a party!!
MRS. GEORGE: Whaaat? (then) Cady's having a party! With Gretchen and Karen. I saw it on one of the many fake social media accounts that I have for your safety.
REGINA: Those witches!
Ok just stop. What’s going on here?! This is an exchange with my 6th grade daughter while we practice for her school’s Mean Girls play. She's like a robot. I can’t even tell what’s supposed to be going on because there’s no emotional context, and if teenagers are involved, it’s gotta be dripping with emotion. (And I haven't seen this movie in like 2 decades...)
But you don’t have to practice theatre with a tween to know a robot when you see one. There may even be a few in your practice right now! Because sometimes that robotic feeling that people have is actually a medication side effect called emotional blunting! This is another one of those sneaky, subtle side effects that you’re more likely to notice than a prescriber will in their brief med checks. And although clients may know they feel different or numb, they may not know that this is a side effect of medication and NOT the goal of treatment! And that’s what this week’s video is all about! But if you want the take aways, here you go: What is emotional blunting?
How to tell the difference between emotional blunting and depression:
Why does this happen?
What can you do, Reader?
Emotional blunting is fairly common but YAY because it’s treatable! As long as clients know it’s a side effect and not the effect we want from the medication. Unfortunately, for parents of middle schoolers though, there is no easy treatment for the robotics of tween theatre. Except, hopefully, practice. And puberty. I’ll keep you posted…
But no one wants to feel like Ferris Bueller’s science teacher on their antidepressant. Definitely not the goal. Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jessica Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly, online psychiatrist! P.S. Here’s the video link again P.P.S. Did you know mean girls is a play now??? On Wednesdays we wear pink. Mind blown. |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I was an art ed major in college before I switched to premed. Yes, a room full of kids with paint sounded like fun to me at that point of my life (before I experienced the terror of my own children with art supplies). The summer before I changed majors, I went to study in Paris! I imagined strolling down a cobblestone street, stopping at a charming little boulangerie, and walking out with the most perfect baguette ever created by human hands. Golden. Fluffy. Maybe handed to me by a...
Construction paper hearts... Gooey Elmer’s glue... Glitter! (Remember glitter? And how it got EVERYWHERE? Apparently the environment will be dealing with it a lot longer than I will) Candy!! This is what I remember from my Valentines Days past. In my house we didn’t buy a pack of valentines from Publix. I had to MAKE mine with scissors and markers and sequins (if I was lucky). And they usually involved some of my attempts at cute rhymes. But did you realize we’re sending valentines even...
Brrrrrr is the sound that comes out of my mouth when I look at the low for tonight. (and I do that weird arm motion thing too, where they're crossed and my fingers are magically making me feel warm with a reverse version of jazz hands) Still chilly here! In certain parts of the US right now, even my usually warm, sweaty Florida, we’re feeling a whole lot of winter. We’ve been seeing weather warnings for days about freezing temps which is not really a typical thing around here. But it is now....