The crisp cool air The smell of a wood fire The sounds of nature The feel of sticky burnt marshmallow on everything I touch I'm talking about camping! I love to camp. This is my jam. We’ve been camping as a family for ages (or about 5 years) and I keep really good notes of what we wished we had (or don't want to lug with us next time). That way each trip is just a little better, a little more prepared, a little more perfect for our Beachkofsky camp style. But not everyone has the time or the experience (or the desire) to plan like me. A few years ago our camp neighbors showed up in the dark with a brand new tent and air bed from the local Walmart. They used their car headlights to get everything put together well enough to get to bed by midnight. Apparently they were from Columbia and here for an impromptu camping family reunion a few sites over! We were happy to share everything we could: fire starters, lights, a corkscrew, bungee cords, even some (non-sticky) marshmallow skewers.
It was a success all around! There are different ways to kick ass camping. The planning way, and the let's-just-wing-it way, and they can both work out fabulously! Not unlike pregnancy. ...of which 50% in the US are unplanned! Some people are perfectly prepared (ha!) and get pregnant when they’re ready. And some people get surprised and have to create a plan as they go. So here are just a few tips about mental health, meds, and pregnancy that may be really helpful for the people we work with! And a link to an article about pregnancy and meds and one about the ethics of meds in pregnancy. First off, no matter what, we DO want to plan as early as possible whether that's a year before your client is trying to get pregnant or 6 weeks into a pregnancy. It may look a little different for each but it definitely helps to talk through a plan! ANYONE who is capable of bearing children should NOT be prescribed meds that would be catastrophic in then event of an oops baby! Just in case... A big one for psych is valproic acid/Valproate/Depakote, which is a mood stabilizer and KNOWN to cause a potential host of problems to a developing fetus. No active uterus is on Depakote in my clinic! If we have time before getting pregnant here's what the recommendations say:
The same holds true for someone who's ALREADY pregnant too! But here's the other important bits:
There's something called a risk-benefit discussion that prescribers should always have with patients when starting any medications. But in pregnancy it's not a risk-benefit discussion, it's a risk-risk discussion! That's because untreated mental health conditions are a clear risk themselves and the choice is between the risk of going untreated or taking a particular medication to treat the condition! What risks am I talking about?
Now of course there ARE risks to taking medications, but in general the data is showing that an untreated mental health condition has more concerning and longer-lasting impacts on the mom and the baby. The specific medication conversations should be handled by the prescriber because each medication has nuanced risks that need to be addressed. And there are great non-pharm options too! Like...
And don't forget ECT! Other than the brief medications used for sedation during the procedure, this is a very safe and effective treatment for pregnant people with significant symptoms. (TMS is also probably fine but I didn't read anything about it specifically so I can't say for sure!) Lot's of stuff here!
The main things to share are:
Ok this got way too long. There's a lot to say on this topic (even if it's not being told to your client!!) And I have to get back to packing! We’re going camping in north Georgia before Thanksgiving. Which will be totally new for us so even though we kind of know what to expect, it’s still a little anxiety provoking. Just like pregnancy! But where the biggest risk is forgetting a beanie or staying endlessly sticky from my kids' burnt s’mores. Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jess Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly online psychiatrist! P.S. TheraBundle is available right now!!! Check it out! I can't imagine you wouldn't find enough compelling, helpful stuff to make that 100$ feel more than worth it! And I'm counting on you for my affiliate commission so that I can retire 20 minutes early! P.P.S. Respond to me with something funny or awesome that happened to you this week! It's been a rough one for me and I could use some smiles!! |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I was an art ed major in college before I switched to premed. Yes, a room full of kids with paint sounded like fun to me at that point of my life (before I experienced the terror of my own children with art supplies). The summer before I changed majors, I went to study in Paris! I imagined strolling down a cobblestone street, stopping at a charming little boulangerie, and walking out with the most perfect baguette ever created by human hands. Golden. Fluffy. Maybe handed to me by a...
Construction paper hearts... Gooey Elmer’s glue... Glitter! (Remember glitter? And how it got EVERYWHERE? Apparently the environment will be dealing with it a lot longer than I will) Candy!! This is what I remember from my Valentines Days past. In my house we didn’t buy a pack of valentines from Publix. I had to MAKE mine with scissors and markers and sequins (if I was lucky). And they usually involved some of my attempts at cute rhymes. But did you realize we’re sending valentines even...
INT. REGINA'S ROOM - FRIDAY NIGHT REGINA angrily walks on a elliptical. MRS. GEORGE enters. MRS. GEORGE: You still on the elliptical, baby? REGINA: (duh) No, I'm over there. MRS. GEORGE: Honey, I know you're not happy with your body right now but remember, real beauty comes from the face. REGINA: Don't ever talk about my body! Gahhhd! MRS. GEORGE: Okay -okay! (tries a new tactic) Let me make you a low-cal snack! I have some shrimp I can spray with that butter-flavored Pam- REGINA: Mommy, I...