The music was throbbing and I was dance-walking through a mob of sweaty humans on my way outside for some fresh air. It was dark and loud and sticky because that’s how a July night feels in small town Florida. While someone was presumably puking in the bushes, I put my hair up with a scrunchie and downed the rest of my Zima. Zima? Wait. What? Oh yeah, that’s not the party I meant. (I never want to repeat THAT experience again!) Last week I had a better than expected experience at a NETWORKING party! Over Zoom. I know, right? Who says that? My whole purpose of signing up for this party was to find some solid therapists I could refer to because I didn’t train in my gloriously humid Sunshine State and have zero connections here. I’m tired of searching on Headway as a “patient” to hunt down therapists with profiles I liked, find them on LinkedIn, and beg them to chat with me about a potential referral. I have made some really great connections that way but it’s cutting into time I could be catching up on notes or eating JIF with a spoon in my recliner. I’m a small scale kind of networker. I don’t pay for fancy ads or do anything that reaches a bajillion people. I rely on connections that I have and then on their connections (friends, sisters-in-law, energy healers, dog walkers, it takes all kinds)! Think of 2 people, just 2!, that might want an email that you read regularly and think is pretty interesting. And then forward this to them! I’m including the link to my Top 10 Meds PDF or Google doc to share with them (and download yourself if you don’t have it already. It’s usually $27!) Or send them one of the links below! I mean, this isn’t the psych-y-est email I’ve ever written.
Or even just to say hi! Although it’s easy enough to just hit reply 😊 We’re already email buddies Reader, but I’m always looking to connect with other psych-minded therapists! And it’s always nice to have a big ol' bucket of great people I can refer to. I’ve been building a spreadsheet of the therapists I’m meeting, where they’re licensed, what they specialize in, and important contact details (and fun facts!), so I have resources for my patients who may need something specific. If you want to be included (it’s just my personal list, I’m not posting it anywhere) please respond and let me know! And if you have someone in Florida, Texas, or Indiana who’s scared to try meds or has had a bad experience in the past, reach out! I can always squeeze in a referral from you! Who knew I’d still be thinking about a Zoom networking party a week later? Not me. And thank goodness, not a Zima in sight! Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jessica Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly online psychiatrist P.S. I’m not sure if Amber Lyda will be doing her networking party again but it seemed pretty awesomely received to me so probably! P.P.S. I also learned about an awesome program from one of the psychotherapists I met. This organization will help military vets and their families get therapy (and Family Fun Days, Battle Buddy and Caregiver Spouse Support Groups) for free! Very cool things. |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I’m cold. I mean my heat is probably set to 70 but I’ve got my Bucs hoodie pulled over my head and a previously-steaming cup of tea in my hand while I try to type with the other. You already know I’m a weenie when it comes to chilly temps, but our camping trip last weekend got down into the 30s and we’ve stayed there all week! I only have so many joggers and long sleeves. Are you dealing with some frigid January weather? Dreaming of warmer days? And learning more about neurofeedback? Huh....
I have a sleep number bed. We decided to get one when I was pregnant with our first kid because, back then, I always struggled with sleep. And I think it helped (until my kid was actually born! No bed can help with that). We upgraded a few years ago and now the bed tells ME how I’m sleeping! Which is pretty hilarious because it has to be wrong. this is NOT part of my bedtime routine but it sure looks faster! Every night I get a (low) score out of 100. My high score? It was while I was on...
This holiday season feels weird to me. I've been trying to figure out why, but I'm still not really sure! A lot of people may feel bad at a certain time, or in a certain place, and not really know what's going on. In some cases, it's due to the process of interoception which is one of my very favorite concepts to explain to patients!! This is where the body is taking in all the data it gets from the environment outside AND internally and then decides what to do next. In the context of this...