Construction paper hearts... Gooey Elmer’s glue... Glitter! (Remember glitter? And how it got EVERYWHERE? Apparently the environment will be dealing with it a lot longer than I will) Candy!! This is what I remember from my Valentines Days past. In my house we didn’t buy a pack of valentines from Publix. I had to MAKE mine with scissors and markers and sequins (if I was lucky). And they usually involved some of my attempts at cute rhymes. But did you realize we’re sending valentines even without the cute poems, heart themes, and pink sparkles? I’m talking about what your heart’s electromagnetic energy field is throwing out into the world all day, every day. Seriously. Your heart isn’t just pumping blood. It’s sending out an electromagnetic signal that extends up to 5 feet outside of your body! And the super crazy part? Other people can pick up on it. Researchers have found that our heart’s energy can sync up with the people (and pets!) around us. We know this because they can see another person's heart rhythm in someone's brain! That “weird vibe” you feel when you walk into a room? That’s not just in your head—it’s in your heart. And today’s video is all about this field and some other cool heart-brain stuff. They say love is in the air… but what if it’s actually in your heart’s energy field? Some science behind it:
This means if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, you could be sharing that energy with others—even without saying a word. But the good news? Calm, gratitude, and love are just as contagious. Whether you’re seeing clients or just trying to move through the world with good energy, it’s worth knowing how this works.
This Valentine’s Day it’s not just about the cards, romance, or even the chemistry. It’s real, measurable science which is so effing cool (even if it sounds pretty unsexy). And no glitter anywhere! So, what’s your heart putting out today? Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jessica Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly online psychiatrist! P.S. Here’s your Valentine from me! (Hint: it’s the video 😉) P.P.S. Here are some links to articles on this topic |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
INT. REGINA'S ROOM - FRIDAY NIGHT REGINA angrily walks on a elliptical. MRS. GEORGE enters. MRS. GEORGE: You still on the elliptical, baby? REGINA: (duh) No, I'm over there. MRS. GEORGE: Honey, I know you're not happy with your body right now but remember, real beauty comes from the face. REGINA: Don't ever talk about my body! Gahhhd! MRS. GEORGE: Okay -okay! (tries a new tactic) Let me make you a low-cal snack! I have some shrimp I can spray with that butter-flavored Pam- REGINA: Mommy, I...
Brrrrrr is the sound that comes out of my mouth when I look at the low for tonight. (and I do that weird arm motion thing too, where they're crossed and my fingers are magically making me feel warm with a reverse version of jazz hands) Still chilly here! In certain parts of the US right now, even my usually warm, sweaty Florida, we’re feeling a whole lot of winter. We’ve been seeing weather warnings for days about freezing temps which is not really a typical thing around here. But it is now....
My heart is with everyone affected by the devastating wildfires in California. It’s impossible to overlook the pain and uncertainty many are experiencing right now. If you or someone you care about has been impacted, please know my thoughts are with you. In times like these, supporting each other matters more than ever. While I can’t change the larger circumstances, I can continue sending useful insights that make navigating mental health just a little easier for you and your clients. And if...