Why do I feel worse?🥺

Serotonin time, Reader!

Here is the rest of your serotonin and SSRIs video! 12 more minutes of interesting stuff that serotonin does and how that affects the body, brain, and mood.

And I'll also explain some of the causes of side effects and medication interactions!


So why does this matter?

Client's may ask "Why is this taking so long? I don't think my meds are helping."

And you have an answer! "Well, the meds actually start taking action immediately but because of all the circuits, feedback loops, and physiologic changes that need to make adjustments, it can take a while."

Client: "But I'm having terrible side effects!" i.e. GI upset, sweating, decreased libido, feeling jittery...

You: "Serotonin doesn't just affect mood in the brain, it has different actions all over the body including the stomach and intestines, temperature regulation, and sexual function. And depending on your SSRI, it may affect more neurotransmitters than just serotonin. Let's come up with some questions you can ask your prescriber."

Client: "I'm actually feeling worse than when I started meds."

You: "It sucks. But once your brain is on that depression trajectory it takes long enough to start feeling the positive effects of the medication that it's not uncommon to feel a little worse before you start improving. Give it another week or two and then we can reach out to your prescriber."

These are some pretty common scenarios that this video can help you navigate like the therapy genius that you are.

And it's just plain cool, Reader! It can even help you appreciate and understand your own body and brain just a little better than before.

Plus, we're getting into winter and past the energy of the holiday season which can mean an emotional crash for a lot of people.

Trust me, I know. The holiday tunes are quite until next season and the twinkle lights are no longer twinkling. I just have one, lonely fir scented candle that still has some wax left to burn...

I really love being able to share these magical brain bites with someone like you, Reader. Thanks for joining me on this learning journey!

Cheers to serotonin and healthy brains,

Dr. B

P.S. How did it go changing from your 2023 calendar to 2024? For me, the Everglades were fabulous! Just cold enough to keep the skeeters (mostly) away and sunny enough to have the gators out for some sunshine (and no Florida man sightings)!

Welcome to Brain Bites with Dr. B!

Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!

Read more from Welcome to Brain Bites with Dr. B!

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