It’s dark out. Tonight’s therapy appointment took me past neighborhoods that had twinkle lights all wrapped around their entrance signs. When I peer up at the windows of those mega apartment buildings, I see sparkling Christmas trees inside and decked out balconies (even the potted palms!). The only thing missing is snow! Which it won’t. (Thank goodness) And each week that I drive this same fairly benign stretch, it will continue to get more and more interesting as giant Santas and light up reindeer pop up in people’s yards. Thinking back, I know there were some lights up right after Halloween. And of course back at the end of July I already saw loads of winter-y crafty things at Michael's. That seemed like ages ago! But it was a little sneak peek at what’s about to be all lit up by the winter solstice! I wouldn’t say the holiday extravaganza at the end of next month is really sneaking up on me, but I know what to look for and what to expect! Just like my summer crafting experience with Frosty, there are early signs of what’s to come in schizophrenia too. That’s what I’m talking about in this short video: theories about changes in brain development that lead to that first episode of psychosis. Curious about what’s happening? Starting with genetics... We’re dealing with hundreds to thousands of gene changes (most commonly deletions or repetitions) that end up changing the way neurons are picked for keeping or trimming (or in schizophrenia's case, over-trimming!). Then there’s the actual brain changes. You and I were born with about twice as many neurons than we have now! Once we got into our environment, our brains started figuring out what to keep and what to cut so just the useful, efficient connections remained. But in schizophrenia the destroying of neurons continues and the connections left are not as strong. This leads to a variety of problems across brain function: executive, motor, emotional, and social issues. Then throw in some stressors or poverty or any other more chronic, early challenges and that high, sustained cortisol level will cause all kinds of havoc. Here's the video link again! But it’s not all gloom and doom! Although there are no miracles... yet. A lot of smart people are out there working on screenings and labs and other tests that may help us identify people way earlier so that we can intervene with treatments! No, our treatments aren’t that great, yet, but anything that minimizes the disability and suffering that living with schizophrenia can cause over time is a win. So, no miracles yet but ‘tis the season, right? Fingers crossed!🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 And the 3rd Thursday of the month is almost here! Which means (if you celebrate it) Happy Thanksgiving!
Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jess Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly, online psychiatrist P.S. I'm learning a lot more about peri- and menopause lately (and even working towards a certification from the Menopause Society!) so if there are topics you're interested in or you'd like to share some resources, please send them my way!! P.P.S. Homemade stuffing or Stove Top? Homemade mac n cheese or Kraft's? Sweet potatoes with marshmallows or without? I gotta know your favs!!! |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I was an art ed major in college before I switched to premed. Yes, a room full of kids with paint sounded like fun to me at that point of my life (before I experienced the terror of my own children with art supplies). The summer before I changed majors, I went to study in Paris! I imagined strolling down a cobblestone street, stopping at a charming little boulangerie, and walking out with the most perfect baguette ever created by human hands. Golden. Fluffy. Maybe handed to me by a...
Construction paper hearts... Gooey Elmer’s glue... Glitter! (Remember glitter? And how it got EVERYWHERE? Apparently the environment will be dealing with it a lot longer than I will) Candy!! This is what I remember from my Valentines Days past. In my house we didn’t buy a pack of valentines from Publix. I had to MAKE mine with scissors and markers and sequins (if I was lucky). And they usually involved some of my attempts at cute rhymes. But did you realize we’re sending valentines even...
INT. REGINA'S ROOM - FRIDAY NIGHT REGINA angrily walks on a elliptical. MRS. GEORGE enters. MRS. GEORGE: You still on the elliptical, baby? REGINA: (duh) No, I'm over there. MRS. GEORGE: Honey, I know you're not happy with your body right now but remember, real beauty comes from the face. REGINA: Don't ever talk about my body! Gahhhd! MRS. GEORGE: Okay -okay! (tries a new tactic) Let me make you a low-cal snack! I have some shrimp I can spray with that butter-flavored Pam- REGINA: Mommy, I...