Woops! Emergency Contraceptives to the Rescue!

Hellooooooooo Reader!

This might seem a bit off psych topic at first glance but let me tell you it's not!!

As a therapist, you already know that the status of pregnancy for a client can impact mental health in tremendous ways whether it's wanting to be pregnant and not there yet, or being pregnant and wishing maybe it happened at a more convenient time.

Choosing birth control methods is a different talk but today is all about emergency contraception or the morning after pill!

As a psychiatrist this has been a bigger deal for me recently since over the past year I've added a bunch of patients with very active reproductive systems and I realized that I had some holes in my knowledge and maybe you or your clients do too!

I'm a birth control pill taker. Have been for decades. I have 2 kids already and take that pill religiously every. single. night. But even I have pregnancy anxiety! In my mid (to late?) 40's!

Have you ever had the pregnancy dream? Startled awake at 3:37am in a cold sweat because you just found out you're 12 weeks pregnant when that's the last thing you want?? Ok, so I have that nightmare about once per month and it's terrifying.

Never mind that I also wake in a panic about 4 times per week that I forgot to take my pill! Sometimes I even have to get up and check to be sure that little bubble has been pushed empty for the day!

So this is a topic that can help me feel at peace too. (And Reader, do you happen to know anyone I can talk to about my pregnancy anxiety? 😉)

This video is a mere 8 minutes of delightful information that can put any client with bad pregnancy anxiety (like me!) at ease. For some reason I also clap a lot in this video. Weird.

Here are the main things to share with your clients (or active uterus owners you know):

  • Emergency contraception delays ovulation but for someone who is already pregnant or breastfeeding it's completely safe!
  • No labs or exams are needed before taking it
  • There are very few side effects but the most common are headaches, nausea, irregular bleeding, dizziness, fatigue, and abdominal pain
  • There are 2 kinds of morning after pill and they are both available by prescription so ask a prescriber to write for it and get it filled ahead of time to be prepared when the emergency shows up
  • Ella, ulipristal acetate, is a pill by prescription only and is often not available from the pharmacy immediately
    • This is the preferred medication
    • Can be taken up to 5 days from the sexual encounter
    • Is effective in obese or overweight people
  • Plan B, levonorgestrel, is available by prescription, over the counter, and online and usually in stock
    • Can be taken up to 3 days from the sexual encounter (but there are studies showing it probably works up to 5)
    • Is potentially less effective in people who are overweight or obese
    • No age or sex requirement for purchase

Ok, maybe you don't need a whole wicker basket full but having at least 1 on hand is a great plan!

Maybe this helps people feel more in control when it comes to that half of pregnancies that are unplanned!

Cheers to healthy brains (and bodies!),

Dr. B

P.S. Here's the AUDIO and TRANSCRIPT links!

P.P.S. Have some strong feelings about this topic? Reply and let me know what's coming up for you!

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