Ok, I'm being dramatic. This past Monday I just got one step closer to being 50! Which is not a bad thing at all! (and the options are not plentiful...) But it's time I finally face the facts. I need to see someone about my hormones. Yeah, yeah. I know. I talk to my patients "of a certain age"😝 about this all the time! And many of my closest friends. Over the past year I've tried to:
But after the past 9 months of feeling like things just aren't right, I'm going to make an appointment to see someone about the possibility that something else physiologically may be going on.
I hit most of those shining stars of terrible on the peri-menopause checklist of doom and all of my own interventions haven't really made an impact. It took me 3 days to remember the word "confounding"!! Good thing there are a lot of other ways to say that (although telling people "It's like confusing or messing it up but I can't think of the word I mean right now" doesn't do much for my credibility or thesaurus skills). This is not to gain some extra BDay wishes or try to get a free pass from being cranky and spacey. It's a real effort to see if I'm missing the root of the problem! Because all the sleep in the world won't make my brain fog better if it's a progesterone problem! Sort of like ADHD! The physiology part, not the progesterone part. (Not a perfect segue, I know. It's the best my brain can do right now.) Today's video talks about the physiological differences we can "see" in an ADHD brain vs a neurotypical one. It's only 9min, so if attention is a problem for you this will be juuuuust right! Here are the important bits:
There's also a little discussion about the difference between neurotransmission and neuromodulation because norepi and dopamine can each act as both! This is a pretty important concept that often gets glossed over and can make the discussion even more confusing! None of this is to say that ADHD is bad, but it can cause a lot of havoc in people's lives and there are real, measurable, reasons why that may be so! One of the coolest parts here? Psychoeducation alone is shown to improve outcomes in ADHD! Not TREAT ADHD, but provide some improvements. And it's free and has no side effects! Share liberally with anyone who has (or thinks they may have) ADHD! A little info can go a long way to wellness! But back to me and MY problems (which sometimes feel like ADHD but definitely aren't since I just developed these issues in my mid-40s!)
Do you know anyone who specializes in anything perimenopause related? I'm looking for all of it: holistic, naturopathic, medical, eastern, western, energy healing, throw it all my way! I'm ready to make a change, Reader. Thanks for listening! Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jessica Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly, online psychiatrist! P.S. Here's that video link again! And subscribe to my channel while you're there! |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I’m cold. I mean my heat is probably set to 70 but I’ve got my Bucs hoodie pulled over my head and a previously-steaming cup of tea in my hand while I try to type with the other. You already know I’m a weenie when it comes to chilly temps, but our camping trip last weekend got down into the 30s and we’ve stayed there all week! I only have so many joggers and long sleeves. Are you dealing with some frigid January weather? Dreaming of warmer days? And learning more about neurofeedback? Huh....
I have a sleep number bed. We decided to get one when I was pregnant with our first kid because, back then, I always struggled with sleep. And I think it helped (until my kid was actually born! No bed can help with that). We upgraded a few years ago and now the bed tells ME how I’m sleeping! Which is pretty hilarious because it has to be wrong. this is NOT part of my bedtime routine but it sure looks faster! Every night I get a (low) score out of 100. My high score? It was while I was on...
This holiday season feels weird to me. I've been trying to figure out why, but I'm still not really sure! A lot of people may feel bad at a certain time, or in a certain place, and not really know what's going on. In some cases, it's due to the process of interoception which is one of my very favorite concepts to explain to patients!! This is where the body is taking in all the data it gets from the environment outside AND internally and then decides what to do next. In the context of this...