WTF mother nature?

best laid plans...

I was totally planning on recording your ADHD meds video yesterday and gladly shooting it off into the ether so it'd be waiting for you in your inbox when you needed a break today...



For those who aren't in Florida or the southeast path of this lovely gift from mother nature, it was a Cat 4 hurricane that hit a little north of us last night.

We're fine. Our house is fine. Our kids are thrilled (2 hurricane days next to a weekend!!). And just a little water in our condo on the beach (just an 8 foot storm surge.)

When I found out school was cancelled and that there was for real, serious winds (over 40mph sustained!) I figured we'd try to take advantage of the power still being on and bake lemon bars and watch Ghostbusters (the 1984 version that my kids needed to appreciate).

I also decided NOT to make my video yesterday because it would definitely have ensured the power would have gone out and my kids would've had multiple meltdowns during those few hours it takes to get it all just right.

No tempting mother nature this time!

So we baked and watched a comedy/horror movie (that's how Ghostbusters is classified!) and enjoyed a day off together!

But now, today, with sunny skies (to better see our trashed yard with) I'm feeling a bit bad that I didn't get it done. Yet the time enjoyed with my kids was worth it.

You may have seen this article already, but Dr. Jenny Hughes invited me to write a guest post for her blog on PTSD medications. Please check it out (and all the other great things she's got over there!)

There's a video that goes along with that post as well!

And if you want to get 1 CEU from ASWB for watching the rest of the video you can grab that here!

Hurricanes suck.

Bad weather sucks in general but we were very lucky, yet again.

But I know not everyone was. And surviving mother nature's wrath launches it's own trauma on people, so I know you and your clients will benefit from these resources!

Definitely not looking forward to airing out the condo once the roads are open and the power is back on. But at least we don't live there full time. Privileged and grateful.

Cheers to healthy brains,

Dr. B

Jessica Beachkofsky, MD

Your friendly online psychiatrist!

P.S. Here's me with my new pIR HEG set up! Pretty awesome, right?? I'll send more updates as I go!

P.P.S. Also this is a nearly impossible picture to understand, but the guy on the second floor above our condo took this picture a few hours before the water hit it's highest point. That grass is outside our back door and all that rushing water is hiding the sidewalk. We're usually about 150 yards from the beach with a nice big dune! Scary updates but at least our upstairs neighbor stayed safe (although evacuating would've been safer!)

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Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!

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