This holiday season feels weird to me. I've been trying to figure out why, but I'm still not really sure! A lot of people may feel bad at a certain time, or in a certain place, and not really know what's going on. In some cases, it's due to the process of interoception which is one of my very favorite concepts to explain to patients!! This is where the body is taking in all the data it gets from the environment outside AND internally and then decides what to do next. In the context of this video it's related to trauma, which is something a lot of the people we work with are trying to manage (especially at this time of year). Sometimes our bodies have made note of something that we're unaware of but we can respond as if something bad is about to happen without knowing why! But the brain knows. This is a video taken from my PTSD CEU course that I shared over the summer. The part specifically addressing interoception starts around 2:45 if you want to skip straight there. Afterwards I talk a little about the DMN too (I LOVE the default mode network but sometimes it causes some serious havoc!) But since I'm specifically focused on interoception today here are some quick take-aways:
If you're curious and want to get yourself a cool course on interoception I recently watched this and highly recommend it! (And I think it's on sale until the end of the year through BCIA the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance!) I don't think my holiday feels weird because of the messages in my brain (at least not like I describe here!) but it's a reminder to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to try to see what's going on. I should probably just go bake some holiday cookies!
Jumbo Chocolate-Cherry-Oat Cookies are about to become my new fav! Although there's some strong competition with grandma's molasses crinkles... Cheers to healthy brains, Dr. B Jessica Beachkofsky, MD Your friendly, online psychiatrist! P.S. The past 2 weeks I talked about perimenopause and supplements. This past week I've been taking a "Food as Medicine" course from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine where I learned my recommended list also needs to have B12 supplements in the form of cyanocobalamin, especially for women! P.P.S. Although I may pop in to say hi over the next 2 weeks, I won't be sending a lot of content. I'm not sure if you need a little break Reader, but I know it'll do me good. Happy Holidays! |
Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!
I was an art ed major in college before I switched to premed. Yes, a room full of kids with paint sounded like fun to me at that point of my life (before I experienced the terror of my own children with art supplies). The summer before I changed majors, I went to study in Paris! I imagined strolling down a cobblestone street, stopping at a charming little boulangerie, and walking out with the most perfect baguette ever created by human hands. Golden. Fluffy. Maybe handed to me by a...
Construction paper hearts... Gooey Elmer’s glue... Glitter! (Remember glitter? And how it got EVERYWHERE? Apparently the environment will be dealing with it a lot longer than I will) Candy!! This is what I remember from my Valentines Days past. In my house we didn’t buy a pack of valentines from Publix. I had to MAKE mine with scissors and markers and sequins (if I was lucky). And they usually involved some of my attempts at cute rhymes. But did you realize we’re sending valentines even...
INT. REGINA'S ROOM - FRIDAY NIGHT REGINA angrily walks on a elliptical. MRS. GEORGE enters. MRS. GEORGE: You still on the elliptical, baby? REGINA: (duh) No, I'm over there. MRS. GEORGE: Honey, I know you're not happy with your body right now but remember, real beauty comes from the face. REGINA: Don't ever talk about my body! Gahhhd! MRS. GEORGE: Okay -okay! (tries a new tactic) Let me make you a low-cal snack! I have some shrimp I can spray with that butter-flavored Pam- REGINA: Mommy, I...