What the gut?? 🤢

Hey Reader!

Here's a little audio treat! This is something I recorded and shared with some of my colleagues earlier this year before I started sharing Brain Bites.

What are your thoughts on your gut? Do you take a probiotic?

I know a lot of my patients want to talk about this topic and this 8 minute audio clip walks through an article I read from Current Psychiatry called Gut Microbiota and the Symptoms of Psychosis: is there a link?​

You can hear my take and a summary of the article HERE!

Ultimately here's what it comes down to:

  • There are a lot of bacteria that live inside of us and they have a lot of different roles that we don't really understand
  • There is definitely a correlation between the gut microbiota and mental health but we're not sure about causation yet
  • It seems like the more diversity, the better!
  • Leaky gut syndrome is bad and can be caused by a variety of things but especially the kinds and amounts of bacteria and stress
  • Diet changes can effect the gut microbiome within just a few days
  • Avoiding smoking, toxins/pollutants, recreational drugs, and excessive alcohol can help keep the gut biome healthy
  • Increase soluble fiber (fruits and veggies) and exercise
  • Here's the transcript if you can't listen right now


How cool is this??

I love that there are so many smart people out there looking for a different kind of answer than just taking a pill.

Medications are definitely the answer for many people right now, but it's nice to have options!

Cheers to healthy brains through healthy guts!

-Dr. B


P.S. Have you missed out on some past topics? Click HERE for previous Brain Bites!

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Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge! Join me for quick, interesting medication and brain science tidbits! Elevate your therapy practice with insight and data from your friendly online psychiatrist!

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