Your boarding position is F637

Hey hey Reader!

How's your week? What are your plans for the weekend?? Please add daydreaming to your list!

I'm sending this through the ether while sitting in the sky on my second trip to CA in as many months.

That seems so crazy to me since I don't feel like I travel much. But clearly I'm not on top of things like I think I am... (except while in the stratosphere!)

Traveling is not so awful though. I mean, it's better than the Oregon Trail style of travel (pass on the dysentery). And hopefully no rattlesnakes on my plane!

I mean, I don't love waiting around or being delayed or having to race for a connecting flight and squeeze in between 2 lovely strangers all sweaty and short of breath because I refuse to pay for a better seat.

Hence my boarding position. Meh. I'm traveling solo and I'm short enough to curl up in any of the seats (and unfortunately have zero need for extra leg room).

But here's the best thing about flying: no agenda but the one on my boarding pass!

Sure I've always got a long list of things I can, and usually plan on doing, but there's something better.


Yes, just being blissfully present with my wandering thoughts while the kid behind me kicks my seat and the passengers I'm sandwiched between take turns asking for more pretzels or getting up to rummage around in the overhead compartment.

Sounds silly but I like just zoning out. Maybe listening to some music. But not actually "accomplishing" anything.


That's NOT TRUE!

I actually AM accomplishing something! And I talk about it in today's 9 minute video which is about the Default Mode Network!

So what's the Default Mode Network?

  • The DMN is the network in the brain that switches on when we're not really focused on a task and we're on "autopilot"
  • This can be a really pleasant daydreamy state where the brain focuses on self-reflection, planning, creativity and insight but not with your full, conscious attention
  • This network is thought to help with building a sense of self, empath, memory consolidation, learning, and problem solving
  • When the brain goes back to focusing on a specific task the DMN becomes inactive again
  • Problems with the DMN can lead to rumination and anxiety instead of calm daydreams; this is seen in depression, anxiety, trauma disorders, ADHD, and memory disorders
  • Infants don't have a DMN yet because the connections are built and strengthened during childhood and adolescence
  • Some things we can teach other humans to help strengthen their DMN is mindfulness, exercise, sleep, creative expression, new experiences, breathing techniques, yoga, and journaling (just to name a whole bunch! You get the idea and there are plenty more!)

I mean we are far from knowing everything about this network and of course it's more complicated than what I described here but I just think it's a really cool thing to share with others about the mysterious workings of our brains.

Like the waking version of dreams which we used to think weren't important for anything at all! (Oops. Yeah. Wrong about that one...)

And in the video I mention an article that's linked HERE. It makes the point that the rise in mental health issues in young people today may be related to poorly formed DMNs!

Kids spend more time on screens and task-focused so there's less daydreaming to develop this important system! It's a really interesting theory and one you should share with the younger humans in your life.

Ok! I'm off for my weekend in Lake Tahoe with my therapist buddies! My DMN is sure to get plenty of activity this trip! 😌

Cheers to healthy brains,

Dr. B

P.S. Where will you be daydreaming this weekend? Reply and let me know! Maybe I'll post a "Top Daydreaming Destinations to Strengthen your DMN" article so we can all do this important work in the best places possible (or at least where we should daydream we are when we're daydreaming. A dream within a dream within...😵‍💫)

P.P.S. Here's the TRANSCRIPT and AUDIO if you prefer those instead...

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