Brain Bites with Dr. B

Jessica Beachkofsky, MD

Hi! Dr. B here.

I'm your friendly online psychiatrist!

Brain Bites is all about broadening your reach with easy-to-digest psych knowledge!

Join me for quick, interesting medication tidbits and how brain science can serve you and your clients too!

Let's share psych psnacks together!

Mental health work is hard but taking care of brains can feel inspiring and fun! Let me show you how.

I'll even give you a little magic when you sign up...

Dr. B's Magic Pill Picker

Yup! You'll get my Magic Pill Picker just for being here and hanging out with me.

Talk about fun!

No one does antidepressant, anti-anxiety meds like I do!

Energize your therapy practice with insight and data from me, your friendly online psychiatrist!

You must be hungry for psych knowledge if you scrolled all the way down here, and that's great news for both of us!

I know you've already signed up for this awesome email-video-learning thing so now just sit back as your inbox gets weekly visits from me, your friendly online psychiatrist!

Or if you're feeling motivated and curious right now check out the links above or previous emails and videos below!